Sailing Scared of the Future !

Chat regarding International EC12 operations, country organizations, event gathering and proposed alliances.

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Sailing Scared of the Future !

Postby kermwood » Mon Mar 14, 2005 5:27 pm

There seems to be the feeling on this site that if this international thing gets off the ground That it will be
"the end of the 12 as we know it jim"
Why this is l fail to understand.
(1)Nobody is talking about a new 12
(2)Nobody is saying we should have new rules.
Not to say in the future these would not come about but they are not a requirment to get a international reggata up and running
What we are saying is it would benefit the class to get together 12 skippers from around the world sailing on the same promote the class as international class with a future.

Reguardless of size colour shape dimples lumps or bumps,if the 12 is a legally reg boat in its home port it is alloward to sail.

Sailing rules would be those used in the host country lets face it there is not much if any difference between them.

l am not intrested because l won,t be able/willing to travel the world,So your telling me that if the US was the host you would be unwilling to sail your 12 and represent your country?
Because lets face it if this event was to be held in the next 12 months l doupt if there would be more than half a dozen overseas skippers attending l would like to think there would be more but l doubt it, so the host nation would always have a higher skipper base.
Or is it as Rod Carr said
"they prefer to hide behind their borders and hide from the rest of the world "
Sounds like a case of Big Skipper on a small pond to me.
At the home page of this site there is a article by Scott Rowland
Called "Should l Attend" it is about attending the nationals but l think applies aptly to this cause as well.
As for the cost and time of travel l know not everybody has the means and time. l work for a living and for me to attend these events will cost me my annual holiday and hard earnt pennies.
So l do not take this international future lightly and there could be a bright future if we could start looking forward and not back.
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Postby Doug Wotring » Mon Mar 14, 2005 5:56 pm

I agree with you.....

as I said in the old post....."Build it and they will come"

we are all junkies, some more than others.......hmmmmmma compitition with one of my my back yard......I'll be there.....

for these international events you would have to allow so many slots for visiting countries and I think these events would have to be proposed far in advance so non host country guys could plan and commit to attend.

even if it is one event a year with a rotating host country. Or randomly select the host country....and the nation of the winner is the host the next year
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Postby kahle67 » Mon Mar 14, 2005 9:43 pm

Scared? No! I don't think so.

One day compete Internationaly? Hell yeah! I can think of 4 to 6 skippers in my own little EC-12 world that would jet overseas for a kick-ass 12 regatta. As a matter of fact, I am in the process of starting a two boat IOM campaign so I can do just that (much rather sail a Twelve, though).

Reichard Kahle Jr.
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Postby Capt. Flak » Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:15 am

"REICHARD KAHLE, WORLD CHAMPION" It's got a nice ring to it.

Look out World, if Reichard is coming, say good-by to your trophies.

I don't know anyone who I sail with who is afraid to sail against anyone or anywhere. And we sure aren't hiding behind our borders. If I had the bank book to do it, I would travel the World with my 12. But I simply don't have that kind of change.

Everyone with an EC12 (old or new, US, UK, NZ or what have you) is welcome on my pond. I f I can't beat you, I will learn from you for the next time. [:)]

Joe Walter #24
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Postby Nautic12 » Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:04 am

reichard,you have an open invitation to visit us in NZ,im sure we can
find a spare boat and some willing skips to give you a race,mind once here you my never go back its a great place to live and sail
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Postby Nautic12 » Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:08 am

the same invitation to the rest of you guys,our nationals are due the end of the year some time,think about it.
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Postby Stephen Crewes » Tue Mar 15, 2005 7:40 am

Brave words Friends but our American friends didn't turn up for the last (1987) Worlds EC12 titles.
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Postby Rick West » Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:33 pm

You might be right, Steve. It is hard to know. Most here do not know of 1987 including me. My following of the posts, including your exhuberance over Australia beating the Kiwis last weekend, tend to turn off those that really can afford $10-12,000usd to holiday Down Under somewhere with some sailing in mind. I think it was only Oz that came over from NZL to sail. Do I have that right?

I say this because I have had a list for four years when we thought there would be an invitation to NZL. With the exception of me, none have commented on this forum and are less enchanted now. Kermwood is a player and was packed to go to NZL at anytime and has been part of my communications of efforts to do so. He has also stated his committment here. He is also committed to attending our National Championship at Disney World. That is serious interest.

It has been said here several times, "you build it and they will come." This has been ignored. So, if the US were to have a gathering of international sailors for sailing in conjuction will a holiday in the US, is there any thought or personal communications that would indicate there is interest to do so in Australia, New Zealand or New Guinea? Is there interest in sailing a boat of your own national authority in a meeting with others? Is there such interest that a returnable bond would be advanced to such an effort?

I am not talking about "Worlds" and "World Champion." Such is meaningless and not to the point of gathering. There is no need for that and besides what is a title without and authority. To me there is no point in having an authority till there is sincere interest and committment to do so. A gathering could produce that interest.

Such a gathering is less likely to happen from comments hurled accross the fence to incite one to climb the fence. The players in this game or not of that fiber.

If we do not have players, Steve, then all this is talk and of interest to only a few in a chat room.

...94 [8D]
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Postby Capt. Flak » Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:34 pm


Our guys were all in Perth in 1987 winning back our cup, remember? [:D][}:)][:D]

Before you strike back, I know, I know, it's not our cup anymore.[:(]

Joe Walter #24

P.S. I didn't even know what an EC12 was until March of 2000, but I sure whish I had know about them when I was younger.
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Postby AJ Moritz » Tue Mar 15, 2005 7:39 pm

Wow! There seems to be a lot of friction out there on the World Stage. Why can't we all work together for a One-design Class. It appears to me with out viewing any other 12 Meter type rules from other countries other then the EC-12 Class Rules is the true & tried way to go. Its a no-brainer to focus on the established Class - the EC-12. If we all can get on the same sheet of music, by far, we all could realize a great attribute for the EC-12 Class in truly going International? Ok, I probably going to get "slammed" on this but lets step back, isn't it a big plus to launch the EC-12 Class on to the International seen?

I just do not understand why we need to be at odds by and between the US Austria, New Zealand along with the rest of world that may be watching. The IOM was formed in the UK, and its been a tremendous success story. Several years ago when IOM US Class was cranked up we in the US didn't find fault or fight compliance with the rest of the world. How come the US EC-12 Class can't be adopted in the International stage, can we all realized what this could mean?

AJ Moritz
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Postby Nautic12 » Wed Mar 16, 2005 1:52 am

Rick,glad to see you have joined us in our little heaven,i could think of at least 10 skip from NZ who would be prepared to sail with
and against the USA and AUS.I know 5 activley planning to attend
the next big comp in AUS in November,Frank Linney just came back from the NSW champs,we are sailing internationaly.i say again an open invitation to sail here.yes cash is a problem but problems are there to be test the waters can we in Nz make a firm offer to any USA skip planning a holiday here to provide a boat and venue and some good hospitality,give us the flight number and we will try and met you at the airport,how,s that.
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Postby Nautic12 » Wed Mar 16, 2005 5:06 am

<font color="red">chris,? please answer the man(woody)im sure we can get some <font color="red">thing of</font id="red"> the ground</font id="red">.
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Postby Doug Wotring » Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:57 am

What is the # of registered Boats in NZ and Aus?
Doug Wotring
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Postby Doug Wotring » Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:00 am

Just to be a smart ass......check out this pic...LOL ... rushed.jpg
Doug Wotring
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Postby boatie » Wed Mar 16, 2005 2:29 pm

New Zealand Regester is 121

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Doug Wotring</i>

Just to be a smart ass......check out this pic...LOL ... rushed.jpg
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
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