St Petersburg Dudinsky Memorial 2021

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Moderators: Capt. Flak, bigfoot55, Chuck Luscomb

St Petersburg Dudinsky Memorial 2021

Postby bigfoot55 » Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:48 pm

East Coast 12 Meter 2nd Annual Bob Dudinsky Memorial Regatta March 27-28, 2021

Check out the NOR and plan to come . (
Tom Phillips
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Re: St Petersburg Dudinsky Memorial 2021

Postby Capt. Flak » Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:28 pm

Sorry for not posting yesterday. Going to try to post a photo of full results shortly.
Joe Walter #24
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Re: St Petersburg Dudinsky Memorial 2021

Postby Capt. Flak » Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:39 pm

A71E17B9-4407-4244-A8A5-13685A5CD550.jpeg (1.24 MiB) Viewed 6653 times

Lots of wind today. Two drop outs. More report later.
Joe Walter #24
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Re: St Petersburg Dudinsky Memorial 2021

Postby Capt. Flak » Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:19 pm

Sorry Folks, I just got home to see that the photo of the score sheet was hard to deal with. So here are the scores.

1. Jon Luscomb 38
2. Calvin Obara 58
3. Dave Zahn 61
4. John Bottensek 67.4
5. Robert Greer 77.5
6. George Balaschak 97
7. Mark Fleckenstein 123
8. Dan Pearce 137.4
9. Jim Rutherford 141
10. Steve Lippincott 182 Equipment failure
11. Douglas Nettles 188 Equipment failure and no B-Rig
12. Derek Dudinsky 199 Radio failure on day one, but came back

Day one saw good breeze out of the SE which we sailed from the North side of the lake out of the cove into the lake. To try and keep it from being a test of eyesight, I set up a shorter course with three laps. It worked well except for the shifts right at the windward mark that cause a lot of havoc. The wind was supposed to clock to the right but instead went left. This gave us a little better course closer to the shore. It did not last too long before it went back to SE again. Jon Luscomb was on fire and was around 30 points out in front of second place Calvin Obara at the end of the day. It was pretty close between second and fifth place. Sunday we moved to the West shore as the wind was mostly out of the South. It was harder to launch and retrieve over there, but Earl Mills and Chris Dingle stepped up to stand in the water to help launch boats. To stay away from the tall reeds on that side of the lake, I set up a shorter course that was right down the shore line and we did three laps again. The wind continued to build and I asked several times if folks wanted to take a break to switch to B-Rigs. It wasn't until we had a cluster f#@k of at the start with multiple crashes, OCS's and even hitting the start mark which moved it like 5 feet, that I called General Recall. It was then they finally said, "can we take a break to change rigs?" I said yes and every skipper changed to B's. We put back in and finished three more heats for a total of 22 on the weekend. All in one fleet of 12. We did lose a few along the way, but I don't think they went hope disappointed. They will be back for sure. Derrick Dudinsky sailed his dad's boat, #95, but had a radio issue that could not be resolved. He left early on Saturday to try and get it fixed so he could return on Sunday. But, he came back only an hour later with a new radio he got at a local hobby shop and tried to get back into the race. Something was not quite right, so he was done, yet again, for the day. Derrick was back on the water Sunday morning with radio issues resolved, but being so far back in the fleet, asked if it was okay for his young so, Andrew, to sail. Everyone, we were fine with it. He might become the new generation EC12 skippers we need. He sailed pretty well in fact. He kept the boat moving well and was very courteous to the other sailors and never fouled anyone. Derrick has his dad's last RMD Marine hull in his shop and soon we will have TWO young Dudinsky's in the fleet.
The top four received trophies and Robert Greer received the special "Sail Like Dave Brawner" award.
I want to thank all the Golden Triangle Clubs crew for helping me RD the regatta. Earl, Chris, Brian, Jamie, Jackie as well as Brenda Pardee. It was a pleasure to RD the event and an even bigger joy to be able to drive off without having to pack up all the gear. Ha Ha.
Joe Walter #24
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