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2019 Jacksonville Regatta

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:00 pm
by Capt. Flak
April 27-28, 2019 is the date for the Jacksonville EC12 Regatta.

Here is the link to the online entry:
Here is the link to the Notice of Race:

I am looking forward to seeing a lot of EC12 skippers for this regatta.

Don't forget it is also the Annual Meeting of the Florida EC12 Association.

Re: 2019 Jacksonville Regatta

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 11:06 am
by Capt. Flak
Entries are starting to come in. Here is the list so far.

1. Chuck Millican
2. Doug McLellen
3. Robert Greer
4. John Goldsworthy
5. Liz Perkins
6. Alan Perkins
7. Frank Ligon
8. Jim Rutherford
9. Jim Kaighin
10. Dennis Headberg
11. George Balaschak
12. Calvin Obara
13. Jon Luscomb
14. Martin Gray
15. John Bottensek
16. Brian Ladouceur

updated 4.24.19

Re: 2019 Jacksonville Regatta

PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 3:28 pm
by Capt. Flak
Entries are coming in and the JMYC is working hard at planning a great regatta for all of you.

Brenda Pardee has stepped up to be Race Director this year. It is her first time as RD, but if she can handle a room full of kids in school, she is going to have no problem dealing with all of us. She has ruler and she is not afraid to use.

Be sure to book your room at the completely remodeled hotel which now is a Holiday Inn.

Florida EC12 Association Chairman, George Balaschack will lead the Annual Meeting after sailing on Saturday. That is your opportunity to voice you concerns and make proposals.

See you all at the lake.

Re: 2019 Jacksonville Regatta

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:03 am
by Capt. Flak
Keep those entries coming in. See the list above for who is entered so far. It is your last opportunity to earn points towards getting into next year's Champions Regatta. Plus it is going to be a lot of fun.

Re: 2019 Jacksonville Regatta

PostPosted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:56 am
by Capt. Flak
Just two more weeks. Get your entries in and don't forget to book your hotel room before they turn off the room block.

Re: 2019 Jacksonville Regatta

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 3:35 pm
by Capt. Flak
For some reason the online entry form had a stop on it because of the entry deadline. But I asked Gerry Cobley to fix that and if you still want to sail in the Jacksonville Regatta, you can get your entry in. But please hurry.

Re: 2019 Jacksonville Regatta

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 11:53 am
by Capt. Flak
Only 15 boats entered for the last regatta of the year. Still time to enter if you want to come.

One fleet is going to make for a lot of races for the weekend. Plus you won't have to launch and retrieve every race.

See you at the lake.

Re: 2019 Jacksonville Regatta

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 3:17 pm
by Capt. Flak
We got one more entered. Still one fleet. We will have marks in the water by 1:00 on Friday for practice. There is no formal plan for dinner Friday night, so feel free to ask around and see who wants to join you. The Seafood restaurant next to the hotel is always good.

Saturday night's dinner will be at 2 Creeks Bar and Grill. They are having a $13.00 Prime Rib night.

The Annual Meeting of the Florida Association will take place on the patio deck at 5:00 unless plans change from George.

See you all at the lake and please drive safely.

Re: 2019 Jacksonville Regatta

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:39 am
by Capt. Flak

I just got great news from the hotel manager. We are going to have the large conference room to store all our boats and gear from Friday afternoon to Sunday. You can put your boat fully rigged in the room with all your gear. We will also store the race gear in there as well.

So no lugging your stuff to and from your cars each day.

For those of you who remember using the conference room in the past. That room is the kitchen now. The new room is to the right of the lobby where the old indoor pool used to be. The double doors open up onto the sidewalk by the outside pool.

Re: 2019 Jacksonville Regatta

PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 5:10 pm
by Capt. Flak
Day one: perfect weather, nice wind in plenty of different speeds but challenging directions. Jim Pardee and I were tasked with setting courses. We made a couple of pour choices but only because Mother Nature was F@&?ing with us. Brenda is a new rising star of Race Directors.

The top five are with 2 temporary throw outs:
1. Jon Luscomb 40
2. Chuck Millican 43
3. Robert Greer 63
4. John Bottensek 65
5. Jim Kaighin 66

Right about now you are wondering where Alan Perkins is. Well unfortunately Alan was having chest pains this morning and Doc Greer said go to the ER now. He did and he is doing well and in good spirits but they are holding him overnight for observation. We all wish him well and a speedy return to sailing.

The Florida annual meeting is about to start and then we are off to dinner.

Re: 2019 Jacksonville Regatta

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:28 pm
by Capt. Flak
Day two was more Chamber of Commerce weather, but the worst wind we could have at this lake. It came mostly from behind the hotel, which meant it was swirling around from all directions as it came down from six stories. The best we could do was set a course along the West side of the lake and just have to deal with the multitudes of 180 degree wind shifts. Also it was either drifting or blowing 5 kts, and many times it was doing that at the same time in different parts of the course. It would have been a dream course for Alan Perkins. Who, by the way, was released from the hospital and is on his way home in good spirits.

Only a first or second place finish would have improved my standings in the Florida Championship, so it was an easy choice for me to have Brenda be RD and me assist. She did a fantastic job. Her dad Jim, set great courses, given the difficulty of the wind, and Baron and I moved marks and chased boats. Bill Wells also chased boats when he wasn't busy on the finish line helping Brenda with scoring. Baron used a cool app on his tablet to keep score. I want to get it for my iPad. But my daughters have it and I don't think I will ever see it again. Frank Ligon was the trophy guy this year and they sure were nice.

The battle for top spot was very close on Saturday, but Chuck Millican found a new gear and just stole the show today. However, it was Martin Gray who scored the most bullets (3) on Sunday to move up to 6th place in a borrowed boat. It was a beautiful day on the lake with really great people who all behaved wonderfully.

Here are the results.
Jax2019Results.jpg (346.1 KiB) Viewed 19562 times

Jon Luscomb took home the Florida Championship trophy, Chuck Millican was second, Joe (me) Walter dropped to 3rd and I knew it was going to happen, Robert Greer was 4th and Alan Perkins got 5th place. Ricky and Becky took his trophy to the hospital for a photo op. We will share that soon enough.

Thanks to all the JMYC members who supported the event. A huge thanks to Brenda for doing a great job as RD. She doesn't know it yet, but she may get the job permanently. :lol:

Re: 2019 Jacksonville Regatta

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:47 am
by Jon Luscomb
Big Congratulations to Chuck MIllican. He sailed superbly yesterday. Amazing day for him with very fickle winds. He was in the groove! Well Done.

Frank Ligon had a great day and showed us he is learning to play. So happy he is seeing things he wasn't before. Way to go Frank!

Thanks the Jax crowd for a job well done putting on the event and thanks the FL EC 12 association directors for a fun year and a pleasant surprise!