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RMG 280DL "speed"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:08 pm
by s vernon
On page 10 of the little blue booklet for the 280DL Bob tells you how to adjust the "deceleration rate". I was setting up one 280DL and it was painful to watch it slowly turn - 7.2 very slow turns. So I adjusted the "deceleration rate" and it speeded right up. Acts just like I would expect - nice fast RMG.

Anyone privy to Bob's thoughts on this? What is "deceleration rate" and how is it diferent from good old "speed of rotation"?


PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:35 pm
by bodacious
Scott, I may be off on this but I think the "DL" series are designed to run "slow" in the setup mode. Once programed... they run at normal speed (fast).. Doug B #1539

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 9:28 pm
by s vernon

I programmed it first and after that it ran slow. I know that because it only turned 4 times when I first turned it on, so then I programmed it and ran it the 7.2 slow turns. That was a buddy's winch. I had a new one as well which I ran for the first time. Mine seemed to be set at the factory to run a little faster.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 10:32 pm
by bodacious
MMMMM..... got me! I'd fire an email off to Rob at RMG. OH, BTW... I have your folding chair...LOL... I'll have it at St Pete for you! Doug B

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:35 pm
by Rob Guyatt
Deceleration rate adjustment does not affect the maximum speed of the winch. The two factors that affect maximum speed is supply voltage and load. Deceleration rate adjustment only affects the time taken to slow the winch from full speed to stop. Think of it like how far out from the traffic lights you apply the brakes. A long way out is a low rate and hitting the skids just before the white line is a high rate of deceleration.

This applies to all models produced from May '04 and not just the 280DL.


PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:54 pm
by bodacious
Hello Rob..... Welcome aboard!! I'll bet all this DSM talk has brought you into the "fold". I know that I'm looking.... I guess I'll have to put a switch into my 280DL[:D] Doug B

Oh.... the Belt Drive is awesome! I even have an idea how to add much more travel by splicing two belts together! I'll talk to you about that through Email..DB

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:07 pm
by Rob Guyatt
Hi Doug (and all),
Thanks for the welcome. These forums are great. Yes it was the Spektrum system that got me involved. Great idea and just what we need. One day it'll be in everyones hands but for the time being most skippers will continue to be well served by their existing equipment.

I'm not an EC12 skipper so I'm a bit of a ring in to this group but I'll keep an eye on the discuusion to help out with queries on my products. I'm not here to sell product, just support.

I'm pleased you like the belt system Doug. It's a bit of a novelty and I'm just doing these for fun. Everyone's got their "perfect" way of controlling the sails. This system is <i>my</i> current "perfect" method.

