Two Suits of Stolen Sails

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Two Suits of Stolen Sails

Postby breakwater » Sat May 24, 2014 2:18 pm

Please be on the lookout for two suits of Stolen EC-12 Sails.

These were suits of sails that I used for a couple years, and then upgraded to a different sail maker.
I decided to put them out to auction on eBay, as no sense to hang them up on the wall for eternity. I sold them, at about $125 each, and shipped to two separate buyers.
One in Wellington Florida, and one in Broken Arrow OK

At some point along the way some member of our credible and not-bankrupt postal service decided to open both packages and make these disappear.
The Package in OK was accepted, and the package in Florida was delivered empty- and subsequently rejected by the buyer.

Both suits of sails are made by Rod Carr.
Both had my sail numbers inked on them, #1343, but were removed with Mr. Clean Magic eraser so not cause sail number conflicts.

Both suits will have mars on them from use, and can be identified in the random chance they turn-up.
The PX-75 suit has a mar at the top of the mainsail, where another skipper's mast got wrapped up with me.
The Lighter suit has a crease running from the lower third of the sail vertically and can be visibly seen when sailing.

Both of these sails are in perfectly useable condition, so they may turn out.
But I wonder if whom ever took them between the Hamilton, M.A. post office and their destination has any clue whatsoever what they actually are.
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Re: Two Suits of Stolen Sails

Postby breakwater » Sat May 24, 2014 2:20 pm

$_57-4.jpg (240.39 KiB) Viewed 12256 times

$_57-3.jpg (148.42 KiB) Viewed 12256 times

$_57-2.jpg (185.84 KiB) Viewed 12256 times
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Re: Two Suits of Stolen Sails

Postby greerdr » Wed May 28, 2014 7:26 pm

We are closest to Wellington and will look for these sails.
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Re: Two Suits of Stolen Sails

Postby breakwater » Wed May 28, 2014 10:53 pm

Thank You Bob.

I would be shocked if they turned up at either of the final destinations quite honestly, and would wager a guess they are far away from Wellington, but who knows.
The packages were likely mis-handled on a processing machine, or they were taken at the same sorting facility. Considering how they were packaged for shipment, I'm going to assume the latter. :roll:

Either way, strange situation.

Quite honestly I was going to give them away free to other members at my club, but there was no need, Not upgrade for anyone.... and subsequently these were going to be hung for years on end.... so off they went at something like a $25 opening, bid and sold for $125 each as-is.
Like everyone else, my house is choked full of boat junk, so no sense to add to the museum.

I like the boat, and hope to sail it long-term.
When asked I thought I would like to be a member of the measurement team, I said yes, so you have to think it would be a pretty knuckle-headed move to pull a fast one on somebody given that.

Gotta love our mail.
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