by Fred Maurer » Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:07 am
Hello Dennis, First, welcome to the class. To your question, as you must know each EC-12 is handmade and in many ways unique. That makes a definitive answer unlikely. However there are a couple of things to look for. The easiest of all is the ruder trim on the transmitter. Check to make sure it is centered or at least near center when checking the rudder alignment. Next there is usually an Allen wrench cap screw that holds the tiller arm to the top of the ruder post. If that post has not had a flat spot filed/machined into it to receive the cap screw it is an easy matter to loosen the cap screw and adjust the rudder alignment and retighten. If it has the flat spot then the alignment of the tiller arm and the rudder cannot be easily adjusted. In that case it is back to the rod that connects the servo arm to the tiller arm. On some of these there is a threaded connection at one or both ends that allows for adjustment. Baring that adjustment, you have the option of adjusting the servo arm on the servo. I find that if none of these “fixes” are effective or feasible for some reason, it is just as easy to build a new connecting rod of the proper length. The great thing about this site is that there will be other folks on here to lend a hand. I am guessing there is a club member in your area that is experienced with this problem and he will be happy to help you through the process. Best of luck.