50th Anniversary Hats and Shirts

This is for those that like chat room doings that are not related directly to the sharing of information regarding the hobby/recreational interests in the EC12.

Moderators: Capt. Flak, bigfoot55, Chuck Luscomb

50th Anniversary Hats and Shirts

Postby Capt. Flak » Thu Mar 12, 2020 8:33 am

Ahoy Gang, I sent out a newsletter last night with all the info on the 50th Anniversary items we have available for the EC12 Class. Here is the link to the online order form. https://form.jotform.com/200617017128951

We did our best to set up a form that had all the options we wanted, but we were limited in what we could do. Shipping is not cheap for these items, so we are offering FREE bulk shipping to regions and regattas for you to pick up your orders and save on the postage. We encourage clubs to get together and place a bulk order and have them shipped to your club for distribution. I wish we had Amazons capabilities to overnight you your items. We need to first get a bunch of orders in so that we can then have them produced and the best possible price. So please do allow some time to get your items.

The online form is going to add up all the shipping, based on the minimum charge. We know we can ship multiple items for less than what you will be charged. Please know that we will refund you the difference in that postage.

50thEC12-Hat.jpg (21.91 KiB) Viewed 8595 times

50thEC12-Tshirt.jpg (50.39 KiB) Viewed 8595 times

50thEC12-Polo.jpg (27.78 KiB) Viewed 8595 times
Joe Walter #24
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Capt. Flak
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