Lost and Found

This is for those that like chat room doings that are not related directly to the sharing of information regarding the hobby/recreational interests in the EC12.

Moderators: Capt. Flak, bigfoot55, Chuck Luscomb

Lost and Found

Postby Capt. Flak » Thu Feb 14, 2019 6:10 pm


So I got a call from a guy in Copper Mountain CO who found an iPad in his restaurant that had "East Coast 12" on it and a phone number that does not seem to connect.

He Googled East Coast 12 and found my name and called me.

If you were in Copper Mountain CO some time ago and lost your iPad, please call me at 904-268-6540 and give me more descriptions of said iPad so I know you are the one who lost it and I will be happy to give you the contact info of the guy who found it and you can figure out how to get it back.
Joe Walter #24
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Re: Lost and Found

Postby kahle67 » Fri Feb 15, 2019 5:48 pm

What area code was the phone number?
Reichard Kahle Jr
Charleston, SC
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Re: Lost and Found

Postby Capt. Flak » Mon Feb 18, 2019 12:13 am


It is in the Lake Geneva area of Wisconsin. But the number itself is always busy.

I already know it does not belong to Brett Biwer, by the way.
Joe Walter #24
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