Jan 2, 2016 GMYC Open Sailing Day onboard video

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Jan 2, 2016 GMYC Open Sailing Day onboard video

Postby steve h » Mon Jan 04, 2016 2:21 pm

Cross posting this here, in addition to the video and pictures section. Mods can remove one post if necessary.

Here are some onboard videos from Greensboro Model Yacht Club's first open sailing day at Oak Hollow Lake for 2016. Wind was light and variable most of the day. Santa brought a gopro camera for Christmas, so a quick and dirty mount camera mount was fashioned out of purple foamular insulation, lexan, duct tape, monokote covering, and a hitec 785 servo. It was made to drop in place of the hatch cover, and mounted to Frank Angel's old 1858 boat (the Piedmont Model Yacht Club club boat),and controlled by the left stick (l-r rudder control). Trim button would warrant 180 degrees rotation left or right, and stick movement would yield 1.5 turns in each direction. Was a bit difficult to keep the camera oriented properly, but an orange floaty back cover will resolve that. I didnt put any music over the videos, because I was fascinated by how loud things are inside the boat (especially contact between boats). We had several first time sailors with us, hence the contact, but no damage was done. Not bad for our first attempt at onboard video. Version 2 of the camera mount will be popped from styrene, and look a whole lot better. I could probably get by with a smaller/lighter/quieter servo, but it was what I had on hand. I recommend you try this, puts a whole new perspective on sailing a 12.

Not a bad way to spend a January day...mid 50s, sunny, with a nice breeze.




Happy New Year!

#1988 and #1858...aka Frank's boat
steve h
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Re: Jan 2, 2016 GMYC Open Sailing Day onboard video

Postby yachtie » Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:49 pm

Nice work Steve


Re: Jan 2, 2016 GMYC Open Sailing Day onboard video

Postby MichaelJ2K » Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:26 pm

How old are those John Amen sails? I know he has been making stuff, I have not seen anything recently bu him. http://amensails.com/remote-control-boats/
Mike Denest
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Re: Jan 2, 2016 GMYC Open Sailing Day onboard video

Postby steve h » Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:43 pm

The best answer I can give: they are OLD, REALLY OLD. :mrgreen: Maybe turn of the millenium or so, maybe older. They've gotten more use in the last 12 months than in all their previous years of existence. They are original 505.
#1988 and #1858...aka Frank's boat
steve h
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Re: Jan 2, 2016 GMYC Open Sailing Day onboard video

Postby MichaelJ2K » Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:08 pm

I have an old set of his 505 sails but unfortunately they are no longer class legal. :( I'll find a use for them somewhere else.
Mike Denest
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Re: Jan 2, 2016 GMYC Open Sailing Day onboard video

Postby steve h » Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:45 pm

Hey Mike, Why would your 505 sails be illegal? Just curious to see if these would be in the same boat (no pun intended). :mrgreen:
#1988 and #1858...aka Frank's boat
steve h
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Re: Jan 2, 2016 GMYC Open Sailing Day onboard video

Postby Capt. Flak » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:56 pm

Me too. What makes them illegal? 505 material is legal, so is it the shape of the sails? We have not changed the sail measurement rule for many, many years. Did someone tell you they were not class legal?
Joe Walter #24
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Re: Jan 2, 2016 GMYC Open Sailing Day onboard video

Postby MichaelJ2K » Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:28 am

John cut the sails around 1989, way before the 1995 class rule change. I think the main roach is oversize, the head has an extended tab plus there's a droopy boom on the main foot which was a loophole in the old rule. I'm not sure about the headsail, it may fit the current rule. I'll have to measure it sometime. Anyone have a copy of the old rule around?
Mike Denest
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Re: Jan 2, 2016 GMYC Open Sailing Day onboard video

Postby Capt. Flak » Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:25 am

Ok, well that explains a lot. It might be time to invest in a new set then. :D
Joe Walter #24
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Re: Jan 2, 2016 GMYC Open Sailing Day onboard video

Postby MichaelJ2K » Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:29 am

Already did. I have a brand new 505 set from Windjammin stashed away.
Mike Denest
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